Abstract submission form

Please submit your abstract using the following form. Abstract submission is open until the end of 17 June 2024. The organizing committee will choose abstracts to be presented either as an oral presentation or a poster with an accompanying pitching talk. As the initial typesetting and editing is done automatically, please follow the instructions carefully to ensure that your abstract is submitted in the correct format.

Instructions: The title shoud be no longer than 200 characters (including spaces).

Instructions: Write all author names followed by the affiliation numbers. 
Example: John William Smith1, Captain Hook2, Tinker Bell1,2

Instructions: Write the affiliation number followed by the affiliation. Include institution, city, and country. Separate affiliations with a semicolon. 
Example: 1Department of Endocrinology, Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2Institute of Aging, Neverland University, Marooners' Rock, Neverland

Instructions: The abstract text may be up to 300 words and should contain no figures, tables or references. Use the following headings for case reports: Introduction, Case presentation, Conclusion. Use the following headings for all other abstracts: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

What is the most appropriate ESE focus area for this abstract?
I accept the terms and conditions (see below)

Presenting author must register for and attend the EYES 2024 annual meeting. Not registering will result in rejection of the submitted abstract. Approved abstracts are published in the Endocrine Abstracts by Bioscientifica. For your abstract to be published, you must confirm that you adhere to the editorial policies. If your work includes individual-level data (for instance, a case report), the included patient(s) must have given a consent to publish the abstract.

A confirmation of successful submission will be sent to your email address automatically after finishing this form.